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If you heard harmful gossip about someone you knew, would you do anything to stop it? Why? Why not :

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If you heard harmful gossip about someone you knew, would you do anything to stop it? Why? Why not بيت العلم

  • The best thing you can do is nothing. Because if you react more, then You will also spreading rumors indirectly about yourself even more. Here some advices that can reduce the negative impacts of harmful gossip. These include: 1. Ignore because rumors are temporary. 2. godentity the people who are spreading rumors about you. if possible talk with them & ask what's their problem 3. Focus on your goals not on rumors. 4. Don't give explanations to all about the rumors on you because you know that are only rumors not your issues or something you did wrong. 5. Just move on bro and remember people spread rumors about others when others do something really great when compared to them.
مرحبًا بك إلى حلول واجبات واختبارات، حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من المستخدمين الآخرين.

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