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Do you know or have you heard of other stories of courage and perseverance? Talk about them in class :

1 إجابة واحدة

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Do you know or have you heard of other stories of courage and perseverance? Talk about them in class بيت العلم

  • For me Life at every stage is a story of persevera moving from one phase of life to another, undoubtedly it took perseverance to be where we are today and we still need perseverance to get to where we desire to be. I had a friend in college whose brother was a doctor. He had applied to medical school three times. That means he was rejected twice. Then he was accepted. Later, he didn't give up in achieving his dream. He completed his studies. He had a Masters in Pediatrics and, of course, a MD. I think there are any number of people out there who would have taken that first defeat and decided to change course. But it takes a certain kind of conviction to get back up and throw yourself at the problem. It's not the biggest, grandest story of inspiration and achievement, but I really appreciated it.
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